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How To Create Email Account In Mobile 2024 (GMAIL)

How To Create Email Account In Mobile 2024 (Create GMAIL) – Email is undoubtedly a very important part of today’s internet era. Because, as we know, you can send messages or files more easily using this email.

It doesn’t end there, because this email can also be used to sign up for various social media platforms. For this, it is very important that you have an email address in the internet age like today.

Unfortunately, there are still many who think that creating an email address is very inconvenient and requires a device like a PC. In fact, with just a mobile phone, you can.

For those of you who don’t know, there is a way to create an email directly from your mobile this way.

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How To Create Email Account In Mobile 2024 (GMAIL)

1. Open Gmail Site

How To Create Email Account In Mobile 2024 (GMAIL)
How To Create Email Account In Mobile 2024 (GMAIL)

The first step you can take to create an email on your phone is to go to the Gmail site first. True, today there are several platforms to choose from for creating emails.

However, among the many options of these platforms, it is highly recommended to choose the Gmail platform. Not surprisingly, because Gmail itself is more widely used and also easier to use.

The website address itself is also Then simply open the address using your mobile or cellphone.

2. Create a Gmail Account

How To Create Email Account In Mobile 2024 (GMAIL)
How To Create Email Account In Mobile

If you have entered the Gmail page correctly, you can be sure that there will be several options there. Includes the option to sign in with an existing Gmail account.

But for those of you who don’t have an account, either way, don’t choose this option. The option you can choose is to click on the “Create Account” menu which is usually found at the bottom.

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